About Lamassu Travel

Lamassu Travel is a brand name from an ancient Lamassu sculpture. Lamassu sculptures were commonly found in ancient Assyria — hence the name — and represented the guardian spirits of the Assyrian culture. 

It was founded by two friends Ali AlNajm and A.Ibrahem. Both friends grew up together in one town of Babylon city we attended the same high school and graduated from engineering college. We passion about adventure and outdoor activity and after the border opened to the world to come to Iraq we decided to share our experience with people who really want to feel the history of Iraq the Cradle of Civilization and listen to our stories and share our culture


Lamassutravel offers package deals that save customers time and money. For instance, Adventure Travel offers eight-day itineraries that include transportation, food, sights,  and accommodation at discounted rates.

we are a great way for customers to get a feel for a destination before committing to a trip. so clients can visit www.lamassutravel.com or contact via WhatsApp to learn more about their destinations via guided tours or interviews. It also helps prospective tourists understand how important it is to communicate with local businesses when planning their trips since communication can affect how locals view them and whether they interact with tourists positively or negatively.